
Assessing your own performance?

The key to significant improvement in any athletic endeavor is goal setting and assessment. BKMA Head coach Paul Grey,  outlines in the first of a series of articles how you can assess your own performance in Krav Maga.


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Renzo Gracie arrested after bar brawl in New York City

All time legend MMA legend Renzo Gracie turned jiu-jitsu vigilante, in New York last night. The resulting scuffle resulted in a broken arem for door staff.

Whether or not the doorman at the 1-OAK nightclub deserved the Renzo Gracie street fighting lesson, it appears he certainly got one this t Sunday night doing his job in New York City.

Gracie, 47, along with his cousin, Igor Gracie, and an estimated entourage that included five others, were reportedly involved in a bar brawl that sent one man — who was allegedly mounted brenzo-gracie-y the Brazilian jiu-jitsu ace — to the hospital.

Police from the 10th Precinct, according to, responded to the melee and arrested Gracie along with everyone else in his crew. reports:

“According to the witness, Gracie arrived at the club in a group of approximately seven men and immediately went to the front of the line. Gracie then became involved in a confrontation with what the witness described as the doorman. Things escalated from there, as Gracie’s group allegedly squared off with a group of 1-Oak bouncers. According to the witness, Gracie at one point had the doorman in full mount, while another one of his group hit a different bouncer with a construction cone. The fracas spilled into the street, with more punches being thrown. Eventually the police arrived and arrested everyone in Gracie’s party, while an ambulance came for the bouncer who had been mounted by Gracie, according to the witness. It was unclear as to why Gracie and his group were originally upset.”

The bouncer was taken to nearby Bellevue Hospital Center, where he received treatment for a broken arm, according to an additional report from

It’s unclear at this time if Gracie caused the broken arm. In addition, it’s also unclear what charges, if any, Gracie will have to answer to once full details emerge and the legal dust settles.

I have mixed feelings on this personally. The doorman was doing his job and probably did not deserve top get tangled up in this mess however time and the american legal system will sort this out.

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