Krav Maga Bristol – Clifton

Krav Maga Bristol

Krav Maga Bristol – it all started here…

Krav Maga Bristol

Krav Maga Bristol is Bristols’  founding Krav Maga School. Every Bristol based Instructor or student has a lineage tracking directly back to Krav Maga Bristol Instructor, Paul Grey. Founded in in 2005 by Paul Grey, Krav Maga Bristol rapidly developed a reputation for quality coaching and tough training in Krav Maga.

The schools popularity grew resulting in over 200 adult members in the first 2 years. Over time, the schools reputation grew and international seminars and Bootcamps were run, attracting students from across Europe to Bristol.In 2010 Krav Maga Bristol expanded to other locations across the city via a range of satellite schools that are still running to this day.

Instructors don’t come any more credible than Paul Grey. Best instructor I have ever had. Will Bayley – Krav Maga Instructor

Krav Maga Bristol – Lead Instructor

krav maga bristol instructorPaul Grey is the lead instructor at Krav Maga Bristol and still teaches at Clifton. Paul is the senior Instructor at British Krav Maga where he runs the Instructor Development programme.

Krav Maga Bristol has been featured in articles by the Observer newspaper, BBC Radio, Martial Arts Illustrated and has provided technical advice and choreography for film and books.

‘Paul is a gifted Coach with a profound understanding for his subject matter.’ Michael Lee

Krav Maga Bristol Class Times

Krav Maga Bristol offers regular classes at Clifton College Sports Centre, Bristol.

Class Times

Mondays: 7 pm- 8 pm Combatives class. 8 pm – 9 pm Krav Maga General Class

Tuesdays: 7 pm- 8 pm Core Combatives class. 8 pm – 9 pm Krav Maga Core Class

Wednesdays: 7 pm- 8 pm Combatives class. 8 pm – 9 pm Krav Maga General Class

Krav Maga Bristol Classes

‘Pauls knowledge on the simplest and most effective techniques coupled with his specific reasoning for selecting that technique was very impressive. Not only that but Pauls ability to spot exactly what you are doing right and wrong and to apply to best corrective methods is outstanding’ Mike Potter senior Fitness coach & Krav Maga Instructor


Combatives class

These classes focus on striking and conditioning. Expect padwork, fast moving classes and lots of sweat.

General Class

Focuses on an element of Reality Based Self Defence. The element changes from week to week but training may focus on robbery, knife attack, fighting from the ground or dealing with common street attacks.

Core Classes

Krav Maga Bristol classesKrav Maga Bristol offers core combatives and core general classes on a Tuesday. Core classes offer a greater emphasise on technical training, lower physical intensity and allow more time for rehersal. Tuesday classes are a great place to start, or a good time to develop or improve skills.

If you went to experience a piece of real Krav Maga History right here in Bristol, book a free session and try the Krav Maga experience with the cities finest…  To find us or book a class visit classes

Bristol Krav Maga Locations:

Krav Maga Bristol Titans – Speedwell

Krav Maga Bristol City Centre

Krav Maga North Bristol

Krav Maga Bristol – Clifton