Sports nutrition for Krav Maga – Pre training

The young kravist looked pale and unsteady. He complained of  fatigue & nausea, he said he was feeling faint. As a coach you always worry, whether is this something serious or poor nutrition.  The cause is usually the same.  Skipping food then attending a Krav Maga class.


We get a lot of questions about sports nutrition for Krav Maga. Today we are looking as pre training nutrition, things to eat in the hour before training.

Remember If you don’t eat right, you can’t train right…

Pre training nutrition

There are 2 popular but conflicting models of sports nutrition. One involves the consumption of carbohydrates to fuel athletic training, This is the most widely practiced model of nutrition. The second, a more radical approach is that of paleo nutrition which overlaps with the low carb, or ketogenic diet movement – eg Barry Sears Zone diet. This is becoming more popular and will be subject to a further article.

Pre training nutrition concerns the consumption of sufficient nutrients to power the body through a pre arranged conditioning session, without taking excessive supplies adding to fat storage. The good news is that it’s easier than it sounds.  For now we will look at the more conventional sports model of carbohydrate ‘powered’ training.

Why is pre training nutrition important?

Training is powered by carbohydrate stored in large muscle groups of the body, and your liver.  Carbohydrate is stored in the body in the form of glycogen. Glycogen is fast to access,  easy for the body to metabolise in training but is in limited supply.  Think of the fuel tank in your car. Like your fuel tank, storage is limited. Eat to much, and its stored as fat, not glycogen.

Glycogen is used to power muscular activty for Krav Maga

Glycogen is used to power muscular activity and stored in the liver and major muscles – however the supply is limited.


The objective of pre training nutrition is to have sufficient glycogen available to fuel training, or to top up  carbs where where needed. Taking to much carbohydrate on board will leave you feeling sluggish and bloated – again not condusive to good training.

The objective of pre training nutrition is to eat to power effective training without adding additional fat stores to the body 


What happens if I dont eat enough before Krav Maga class

As your body becomes glycogen depleted, you begin a process called Catabolism [Catabolism] Maraton runners call this catabolic process ‘Hitting the wall’.

You body defaults to catabolism to continue powering your muscles during training, however catabolism is slower and less efficient the using glycogen to power physical activity. This leaves a ‘drag’ between supply and demand of energy for movement. The net result is exhaustion, reduced performance and eventually nausea and dizzyness.

Endurance athletes frequently train in a catabolic state as they are using repetitive, rythmic movement and typre 1 muscle fibre. Combat athletes like Kravists use more dynamic training for shorter periods that places more emphasise on type 2b muscle fibre and a mix of aerobic and anaerobic training.

Neither anerobic training, nor type 2b muscle fibre functions well without glycogen so the body grinds to an unpleasant halt. This issue becomes significant when training for longer than 90 minutes or so and it can become very pronounced when training for 6 hours or so at a Krav Maga Bootcamp or Grading.

How can I avoid  ‘Hitting the wall’

Here are a few way to manage pre training nutrition to avoid this slump in performance.

•Dietary carbohydrate – Ensure your daily diet provides an ample supply of carbohydrate at all times, with around 60% or more of calories from carbohydrates (unprocessed, whole grain breads, pasta and cereals, rice, corn, all types of fruits and vegetables, beans, peas and lentils). If you train in the evenings, make sure you consume sufficient carbohydrate both at breakfast and lunchtime.

• Carbohydrate drinks: For longer (60+ minutes) or more intense training sessions, you should consume 500-1000mls of a 6% carbohydrate drink (around 60 grams of carbohydrate per litre of water) each hour during training. This will help to reduce the extent of carbohydrate depletion during exercise.

Pre training snacks (1 hr before) – Eat something light 60 minutes or so prior to training.  Light snacks could include:

banana is a great pre krav maga training snack

banana is a great pre krav maga training snack

Banana:  they are packed with potassium, which aids in maintaining nerve and muscle function. The body doesn’t store potassium for very long, so a medium banana before a class will help keep nutrient levels high.

Oats: Oats are full of fiber, which means they gradually release carbohydrates into your bloodstream. (But they’re not so full of fiber that they’ll cause gas.) This steady stream keeps your energy levels consistent during your workout. Oats also contain B vitamins, which help convert carbohydrates into energy. Help yourself to one cup at least 30 minutes before you begin exercising.

Wholegrain bread: A slice of wholegrain bread is a good source of carbohydrates. Consider spreading  jam or honey for more fuel or sliced up hard-boiled eggs for high-quality protein. Add a couple slices of turkey, Try to eat about 30 grams of carbohydrates and 15 to 20 grams of protein.

Fruit and Yogurt: Fruit is high in carbohydrates and Greek yogurt is packed with high-quality protein. People tend to skip fruit and other foods that are high in carbs but protein doesn’t break down fast enough to become fuel for a workout. The carbs from fruit break down quickly and the protein is used later to prevent muscle damage.

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British Krav Maga: SparringKrav Maga has become big business. More courses mean more competition and more choices. British Krav Maga released a guide to Krav Maga Instructor courses to help you choose, here are just a few pointers to help get you started…


Course duration is an accurate and consistant indicator of course quality. Neither the Israeli Defence Forces nor any other credible Krav Maga organisations will certify a Krav Maga Instructor in less than 15 days, you need to ask why organisations selling short courses will…

Read more

“If Training and Reality are different, then training is wrong.”

British Krav Maga Association has become the fastest growing Krav Maga Organisation in the UK. We run what is probably the most demanding Krav Maga Instructor course in Europe. We rejected some of what is taught by the existing orthodoxy in favor of more modern training practices.

Our Ethos

We believe Krav Maga training should remain a simple, aggressive and realistic survival system. Its not a martial art, it is a simple, aggressive personal protection system.  Think Saturday night pub brawl – not Jackie Chan movies. This is what Krav Maga was designed for. There are few subtitles about repeatedly kneeing or kicking somebody in the groin – however the consistency of effect is undeniable.  This is the core of Krav Maga. Simplicity – aggressive defence and undeniable realism.

As an association we reject the watering down of the system as can be seen in many of the larger commercial Krav Maga Organisations. As these organisations add more and more techniques to the curricula, the system becomes increasing like every other martial art and is a million miles from what made Krav Maga what it is.

Although many organisations stress the military roots of Krav Maga they have added so much to their curricula that  the core of Krav Maga is lost amongst a mish mash of techniques.  This is a million miles from the simple, effective training found at the roots of Krav Maga or in the Israeli Defence Forces.

This may be great for business. More techniques means more lessons, more gradings, more seminars and of course more money.

We reject this commercialisation of Krav Maga.  Krav Maga training should be a tough, realistic,and a true fighting system. Techniques taught should be simple, versatile and forgiving of error.

So who are we and what do we do…

Who we are.

The British Krav Maga Association is an Association of Krav Maga schools that are committed to a set of shared training ideals. We provide a high standard of professional training under the supervision of carefully selected and well trained Instructors. The system we teach is logical, intuitive and continually evolving.
An open approach to training

The BKMA encourages the open exchange of training and learning. We encourage members to develop an ethos of rigorous, open minded training and continued personal development. This applies to students, instructors and the Association as an entity.

Continual development

Krav Maga is a dynamic, evolving self protection system. Its not a martial art. It should not be time locked. Krav Maga should evolve in the face of any better information or training methods. The system should be focused on the survival of the individual – not obsessed with Organisational politics or the ego of an instructor.

As an Association we are committed to continue to –

*Evolve and not to be bound by someone else’s opinion of what Krav Maga should be.

*Review and up date our curricula in the face of research, common sense, better practice or changing threats.

*Evolve Krav Maga training methods if safer, easier or more efficient training methods are found.

*Recognising that when training and reality differ – training is wrong.

The Founder

The British Krav Maga Association was founded by Paul Grey, a life long martial artist and professional Krav Maga Instructor. Paul heads up the Association but remains a perpetual beginner at heart – always learning and constantly mindful that we never know as much as we think we do ;-)
Krav Maga and Politics

In short, we don’t do them. We reject the assertion that any single Person or Organisation ‘owns’ Krav Maga. Imi (the founder) chose not to name a successor. He actively encouraged different organisations to flourish during his lifetime. Since his death no fewer than 8 people have proclaimed themselves his successor.  We are happy to train with or learn from good Krav Maga practitioners – regardless of what badge or logo they wear.

Krav Maga and Middle Eastern politics

Again we don’t do them. We are a British organisation teaching an Israeli combat system. We welcome people of all races, creeds and religions.

Krav Maga Bristol

Krav Maga Bristol – it all started here…

Krav Maga Bristol

Krav Maga Bristol is Bristols’  founding Krav Maga School. Every Bristol based Instructor or student has a lineage tracking directly back to Krav Maga Bristol Instructor, Paul Grey. Founded in in 2005 by Paul Grey, Krav Maga Bristol rapidly developed a reputation for quality coaching and tough training in Krav Maga.

The schools popularity grew resulting in over 200 adult members in the first 2 years. Over time, the schools reputation grew and international seminars and Bootcamps were run, attracting students from across Europe to Bristol.In 2010 Krav Maga Bristol expanded to other locations across the city via a range of satellite schools that are still running to this day.

Instructors don’t come any more credible than Paul Grey. Best instructor I have ever had. Will Bayley – Krav Maga Instructor

Krav Maga Bristol – Lead Instructor

krav maga bristol instructorPaul Grey is the lead instructor at Krav Maga Bristol and still teaches at Clifton. Paul is the senior Instructor at British Krav Maga where he runs the Instructor Development programme.

Krav Maga Bristol has been featured in articles by the Observer newspaper, BBC Radio, Martial Arts Illustrated and has provided technical advice and choreography for film and books.

‘Paul is a gifted Coach with a profound understanding for his subject matter.’ Michael Lee

Krav Maga Bristol Class Times

Krav Maga Bristol offers regular classes at Clifton College Sports Centre, Bristol.

Class Times

Mondays: 7 pm- 8 pm Combatives class. 8 pm – 9 pm Krav Maga General Class

Tuesdays: 7 pm- 8 pm Core Combatives class. 8 pm – 9 pm Krav Maga Core Class

Wednesdays: 7 pm- 8 pm Combatives class. 8 pm – 9 pm Krav Maga General Class

Krav Maga Bristol Classes

‘Pauls knowledge on the simplest and most effective techniques coupled with his specific reasoning for selecting that technique was very impressive. Not only that but Pauls ability to spot exactly what you are doing right and wrong and to apply to best corrective methods is outstanding’ Mike Potter senior Fitness coach & Krav Maga Instructor


Combatives class

These classes focus on striking and conditioning. Expect padwork, fast moving classes and lots of sweat.

General Class

Focuses on an element of Reality Based Self Defence. The element changes from week to week but training may focus on robbery, knife attack, fighting from the ground or dealing with common street attacks.

Core Classes

Krav Maga Bristol classesKrav Maga Bristol offers core combatives and core general classes on a Tuesday. Core classes offer a greater emphasise on technical training, lower physical intensity and allow more time for rehersal. Tuesday classes are a great place to start, or a good time to develop or improve skills.

If you went to experience a piece of real Krav Maga History right here in Bristol, book a free session and try the Krav Maga experience with the cities finest…  To find us or book a class visit classes

Bristol Krav Maga Locations:

Krav Maga Bristol Titans – Speedwell

Krav Maga Bristol City Centre

Krav Maga North Bristol

Krav Maga Bristol – Clifton

begining Krav Maga

A warm welcome to the Beginners Guide


A warm welcome to the Beginners Guide to Krav Maga.  Here you will find some great introductory information on Krav Maga, a comprehensive list of UK Krav Maga schools, krav maga resources and useful references for any new participant to Krav Maga training.  Unfortunately no single resource could  serve as a total and complete education on every aspect of Krav Maga, so we wont try. This is simply a great place to start.  


The aim of this resource then is to serve as a reliable source for credible, quality introductory material. Good Luck.




Opening Notes


Krav Maga Grading - British Krav Maga Association