Krav Maga Instructor Fitness Test
Understanding the Physical demands of Krav Maga Instructor Training
The BKMA Combat Fitness Test is designed to ensure candidates are of sufficient standard of physical fitness to begin BKMA Instructor Training. Instructor training requires candidates that are able to train at moderate to high levels of intensity for 6-8 hours a day. This is repeated on both phases for 9 consecutive days. Candidates DO NOT need elite levels of athletic performance to pass. However, candidates DO NEED a good base level of fitness. Approximately 8% of candidates fail the test and are back coursed to the next phase.
During phase training, candidates are required to warm up and work out twice a day. To do padwork, grappling, light sparring, weapons defences, groundwork and teach at a consistent level. In addition, candidates need to be able to repeat brief high interval training sessions intermittently and be able to both teach and learn new techniques. The key to passing BKMA Krav Maga Instructor training is preparation and Fitness.
‘Fitness has been the most reliable predictor of Instructor performance on every course we have run. Fitness has been a more accurate indicator of good mental and physical preparation to pass training than any martial arts background or existing skill set’. Paul Grey – Training Director
Age and Injury
The BKMA will make reasonable adjustment for age and injury if required. Older candidates have performed exceptionally well with some of the highest course scores earned by candidates in their late 40’s to early 50’s. If you have any questions concerning this contact Paul on 078 1234 6025.
Combat Fitness Test Procedure
The Combat Fitness test is designed to assess Cardio Vascular fitness and muscular strength and endurance. Expectations are that all candidates are in good health and have prepared for the test. Lack of preparation is a personal choice and is not a mitigating factor. Age and Injury are taken into account. The Association runs 2 tests. Test A, (Rowing), or Test B (Bodyweight Strength training)
Test A
The preferred method of testing is a Concept 2 Rower. The concept 2 rower allows candidates to assess and measure their own performance prior to testing. Concept 2 rowing allows safe maximal testing, consistent measurable results and is a direct indicator of real world strength and endurance.
Rowing – Concept 2 Rower.
Candidates will warm up and once ready, will Row 2000 meters as quickly as possible.
Distance | Age | Men | Women |
2000 m | 19 – 29 years | Less than 7 minutes 20 seconds | Less than 8 Minutes 34 seconds |
2000 m | 30 – 39 years | Less than 7 minutes 33 seconds | Less than 9 minutes |
2000 m | 40 – 49 years | Less than 7 minutes 39 seconds | Less than 9 minutes and 9 seconds |
2000 m | 50 – 59 years | Less than 7 minutes 54 seconds | Less than 9 minutes and 21 seconds |
Test B
Where Concept 2 rowers are unavailable, Test B will be used. Test B consists of Cardio Vascular Endurance endurance and body weight exercises.
The cardio vascular component is delivered via Beep test. A Beep test involves running between two lines, 20 meters apart, within a fixed time determined. The interval between beeps steadily decreases, so you have to run faster. Your score is determined by the time at which you can no longer keep up. A brief rest will be given and a muscular endurance test will follow.
Muscular Endurance Test – Combat Fitness Test
The Combat Fitness test has become legendary within the organisation and is the subject of much misunderstanding. The combat Fitness Test is delivered along side training – as such candidates are expected to be able to train, take the combat fitness test, recover then continue training.
Combat Fitness Test Protocol
Each exercise is conducted in strict form, delivering full range of motion, poor form is not counted.
Exercises are conducted for 2 minutes then rotated with no rest interval.The test is run maximally for 6 minutes and a cumulative count is made. Candidates are advised strongly to practice the test, whilst only 6 minutes long it it highly demanding and should not be left to chance.
Guide Figures
A minimum of 130 reps is acceptable for candidates of 40 years and older. For male candidates 145 is the pass mark.
Mean average result 148 reps in good form
Highest (verified) result 272
Male Minimum | Female Minimum | ||
Burpees in 2 minutes | 30 | 20 | |
Squats in 2 minutes | 50 | 50 | |
Press ups in 2 minutes | 44 | 21 | |
*MINIMUM PASS LEVEL 40 years | 130* Under 40’s 145 reps | 110* Under 40’s 124 reps |
Minimum levels across all 3 test exercises will constitute a fail. Candidates must exceed all minimum scores and the minimum accumulated score.
Failing a fitness Test
Extenuating circumstances will be taken into account. In the event a candidate fails the fitness training they will be invited back on the next available course but will not be able to progress on the current course. The candidate has 2 chances to back course.