Krav Maga Bristol is a Bristols’ best know Krav Maga school.  Every Krav Maga Instructor in the Bristol area has either been trained by us or has a lineage going directly to us irrespective of their organisation.

Founded in 2005 by Paul Grey, Krav Maga Bristol has featured in The Sunday Times, The Observer, Combat Magazine and Martial Arts Illustrated in addition to BBC Radio. We’ve trained more people to Krav Maga Instructor level than any other school in the UK and now have Instructors across the globe.

Krav Maga Bristol Coach

krav maga bristolKrav Maga Bristol sessions are still run by British Krav Maga Head Coach Paul Grey. Paul is supported by Andy Gregory and Cheuk Lai, both Full Krav Maga Instructors. Paul heads up the British Krav Maga Instructor Development Programme and leads programme design for the Association.

Krav Maga Classes

We offer 6 hours a week across Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Typically classes are broken into striking and self-defence elements combined cutting edged metabolic conditioning sessions.

British-Krav-Maga_Nov15_198_webSeminars, Bootcamps and Guest Instructors

Krav Maga Bristol hosts seminars, courses and Bootcamps several times a year. We also host International Seminars with Guest Instructors from all over the world. Bootcamps are hosted once a year and involve 2 to 4 days immersive training with specialist Instructors.

Krav Maga Bristol Beginners Programme

Krav Maga Bristol offers a 16-week beginners programme. The beginner’s programme  takes students through a series of modules addressing common street attacks, robbery and multiple attacker scenarios. After 16-20 weeks students are tested via an immersive 5 hr training session common replicating scenarios and attempted muggings.

Try us Free

If you’d like to try Krav Maga for yourself, we offer free trial classes and occasional beginner courses. You can find out more by visiting the Krav Maga Bristol website.

We have satellite krav maga schools located in Redcliffe, Speedwell and Patchway. More Krav Maga Schools can be found by clicking on the link.