Krav Maga Bristol Speedwell Class
Try real British Krav Maga with a professional in Speedwell
Trial Class with pro instructor Jim Halton
Krav Maga Bristol – Speedwell classes are designed to introduce you to authentic Israeli Krav Maga in the most efficient possible manner. Our Trial sessions are designed to kick-start your training by introducing simple, instinctive techniques that can be used from day one.
Krav maga Speedwell Instructor Jim Halton is a full time, professional Krav Maga Instructor and has been teaching since 2010.
Whilst Krav Maga Beginners classes vary from session to session, typically new students will cover:
Research-Based Training and Why it matters
As a new Kravist, you’ll be exposed to cutting edge training methods and information based on real UK assaults. As a trainee, you’ll be able to access levels of training not commonly found outside of specialist military training.
Bristol Brunel Academy
Speedwell Rd,
Bristol BS15 1NU
Please bring the following to your first class:
Training kit – shorts/training bottoms and T shirt
2 X 500 ml bottles of fluid
Protective equipment if owned