Krav Maga Bristol – Bristols leading Krav Maga School


Krav Maga Bristol is Bristol’s original Krav Maga School. Founded in 2004, Krav Maga Bristol has trained more Krav Maga Instructors than any other Krav Maga school in the UK. Every Krav Maga Instructor in Bristol has a lineage traced directly back to our coach, Paul Grey.

Krav Maga Bristol offers training for beginners through to advanced and specialist training. We are the only school in Bristol able to offer the full Krav Maga curricula of civil, military and law enforcement programmes.

We have been featured in Martial Arts Illustrated, The Sunday Times, The Observer, Combat Magazine and BBC Radio. We have provided training for the Rifles, The Special Forces Support Group (St Athens), and specialist training for close protection and security personnel.

Krav Maga Bristol Lineage

Paul originally trained and certified under Eyal Yanilov and Amnon Darsa of the International Krav Maga Federation, now Krav Maga Global. Paul later went on to train Krav Maga Worldwide. Krav Maga Worldwide and the International Krav Maga Federation were the 2 largest and best well known Krav Maga Organisations in the world. Pauls training has taken him across the UK, Europe, Israel and the USA.

Paul is the Head Coach at the British Krav Maga Association providing the programme and coaching development for the Association. Paul also heads up the Instructor development programme training and developing professional Krav Maga instructors.

Krav Maga Bristol Student Reviews


Krav Maga Bristol Courses and Classes

Krav Maga Bristol provides regular Krav Maga start up courses as well as separate professional certifications. Krav Maga Bristol offers the following courses to the general public or companies looking for professionally taught courses for their employees

Conflict Management – Deescalation and Avoidance
Conflict Management Award – 2 days
Break Away and disengagement courses (1 or 2 days)
Lone Worker training

If you’d like to find out more about Krav Maga Bristol or any of our courses visit our main site at