The Sunday Times

‘The most realistic self defencesystem on the UK today’

Combat Magazine

‘Krav Maga has more self defence cred than any other system we know about – and we know quite a bit about the subject!’

GQ Magazine

‘Best in the world for self defence. Totally practical, no flashy kicks or great spiritual angle.’

BKMA Instructor Training Academy

British Krav Maga® Certified Training Programmes

Instructor Academy

Sliding Defence

overhead knife attack

overhead knife attack

Welcome yo the British Krav Maga Instructor Academy.  The Academy is broken into 3 seperate areas for ease of navigation.

The Sunday Times

‘The most realistic self defencesystem on the UK today’

Combat Magazine

‘Krav Maga has more self defence cred than any other system we know about – and we know quite a bit about the subject!’

GQ Magazine

‘Best in the world for self defence. Totally practical, no flashy kicks or great spiritual angle.’