Back up and Support

teachingpracticeKrav Maga Instructor – After care and support

The BKMA Basic Instructor Course provides in depth Krav Maga training, teaching practice, business modules and tough fight training. You passed, so what now.

Completing Instructor training is just the start. We offer more courses – more development and a high degree of ongoing support and mentorship. We are the only organisation to mentor new Instructors and offer constant follow up support.


‘The aftercare support has been as every bit as impressive as the course. It ensured myself and my fellow instructors have been able to set up our own schools and earning money in the shortest time possible. Within weeks of completing Instructor Training I have been approached by over twenty people interested in training with my school, I now have ten regular students attending my classes after two weeks of being open for business. ‘   Mark Edwards. Krav Maga Taunton


The BKMA recognises the aspirations and hopes of our newly qualified instructors. Typically they are keen to succeed but nervous about opening their own classes. All Instructors – not just newly qualified ones – receive support setting up classes, planning sessions and marketing their schools. The BKMA is the only Krav Maga organisation offering any level of ongoing support to its instructors.

Instructors receive ongoing support in the following areas:

1. Technical Training

We believe in continual Professional Development for Instructors, and offer a range of options from basic Instructor through to advanced and speciality training and eventually, for those aiming at the very highest levels, Master Krav Maga Instructor. To find out more about what’s on offer after basic training go to Instructor Development Program.

2. Planning and Teaching

We offer ongoing support via lesson plans, seminars and general instructor training. We also support instructor’s development through additional specialist modules including Control and Restraint, Youth Program. Adrenalised Training and Combat Conditioning Coach Award.

3. Business Mentoring and Support

Starting your own school can be daunting. The BKMA is with you all the way. We offer support and advice. We are available on the phone Monday to Friday and we have an active Instructor community so there will always be someone on hand via phone, meeting or online at a number of locations throughout the country. Instructor support is a core part of our success.