British Krav Maga National Curricula
Training Ethos.
British Krav Maga has a conservative approach toward the awarding of grades. Quality of training and credibility of grades is paramount to our reputation. British Krav Maga view grading as a byproduct of consistent focused training and not as a goal in it’s self. Accordingly, students are ‘invited to grade’ when the instructor is sure they can. The BKMA grading process provides a route map for the development of the Kravist. Gradings are nationally recognised and consistent preparation is essential for success. The process of preparing for the assessment focuses student training and enhances standards of performance across the board. Gradings have become a route map on the path to self improvement but are not viewed as an end in themselves. The Association is committed to maintaining quality mark standards for the grading process.
Organisation of the BKM National Curricula
The National Curricula offers a formalised structure for training and progress in Krav Maga. The Curricula is divided into 3 main phases of learning. Each phase reflects the needs and development of the learner through the training process and is influenced by the work of Fits and Posner on stages of learning.
Practitioner Phase (P1 to P3) |
Specialist Phase (P4 to P6) |
Advanced Phase (P7 to P9) |
Practitioner Levels are the foundation of all training. P1 to P3 builds strength, speed and stamina whilst focusing on the most common street attacks, crime scenarios and fighting from your back. | P4 to P6 is the specialist phase. The Kravist to develops a more Specialist and in depth knowledge. Improved speed, agility and power enables enhanced performance. | Advanced training introduces high risk and complex threats. The Advanced practitioner should be able respond fluidly to a broad range of threats, weapons and scenario |
Graduate and Practitioner Learners
The British Krav Maga Curricula makes a clear distinction between learners that are students, (Practitioner grades), and learners that are Instructors, (Graduates grades).
Practitioner grades are required to demonstrate functional skills whilst fatigued, under stress and in realistic conditions. Graduate grades require the Instructor to perform those identical skills at a level appropriate for a professional instructor. Graduate levels must demonstrate competence to teach those same skills safely and professionally. Graduate grades also require the demonstration of a high level of coaching skills an understanding of anatomy and functional use of the kinetic chain for power generation.
Within British Krav Maga, students cannot achieve Graduate level qualification without Graduating from Instructor Training or passing through the Apprentice Program.