Instructor Development: CPD May

Instructor TrainingInstructor Development: May

Date: Friday the 16th of May until Monday the 19th of May 2014


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4 Days of Instructor Continued Professional Development. Instructors may attend single days or all 3 days if they intend to grade. The Instructor grading is held on day 4.

Extended Instructor Development. Fees are the same as normal. Assessment is on Day 4.



Provisionally: Weston Super Mare

Instructor Grading

Instructors must have regularly attended update training and to have completed 4 days training in this block.

Levels assessed G2 – G5.

Booking your Place

Pre booking is required. Bookings close 7 days before the event. The final day of training covers grading preperation and grading and will be physically demanding. Minimum numbers of 3 are required for grading. If there are insufficient numbers a refund of £69 will be made for the final day

Current Grade