Krav Maga Near Me
Accredited British Krav Maga Classes across the UK
Krav Maga Directory UK
The BKMA Quality Mark is your assurance of genuine Krav Maga taught by professional instructors. BKMA Graduate Instructors are required to complete a minimum of 180 hrs certification, are required to have full Indemnity Insurance, First Aid Training and regular updates.
British Krav Maga does not qualify Instructors via 3 or 5 day instructor courses
Always look for the British Krav Maga Quality mark logo
The British Krav Maga Directory has links to professionally taught Krav Maga schools across the UK.
British Krav Maga Affiliated Instructors have completed the 180+ hr instructor certification process and are required to meet some of the highest professional standards in the industry.
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