British Krav Maga Advanced Close Protection Course
British Krav Maga provide a 19 Day Advanced Close Protection Course. Course tutors are former Royal Marine Instructors with active close protection experience in both hostile environments and executive close protection roles. Training includes firearms, 30 hrs Krav Maga Close Quarter Combat and live, reality based training missions.
Saturday November 13th 2016 – £1999
- SIA recognised L.3 Qualification
- 19 Day Advanced Close Protection Course
- 30+ hrs certified Close Quarter Combat training included (British Krav Maga Association)
- Close Quarter weapons survival, firearms, edges and impact weapons
- Advanced Counter Surveilance training
- Live firearms and range training
Course Description
The British Krav Maga Advanced Close Protection course is a 19 Day reality-based course designed to provide a practical ‘on the job’ experience and training. Class time is minimised with a strong emphasis placed on practical training and live missions to achieve core competencies.
The Advanced Close Protection Course includes the most comprehensive Close Quarter Combat training package in the UK.
Course Structure
The Course is divided into 3 working modules.
Mandatory Modules
The Mandatory module covers SIA requirements, portfolio and written exam.
Advanced Modules – Counter Surveilance
Working above the SIA requirements, candidates are taken through live drills and advanced counter surveilance including driving, walking and electronic counter measures.
Advanced Modules – Close Quarter Combat Modules
The most detailed course of it’s type in the UK, 40+ hrs professional coaching in personal and 3rd party skills with accreditation from British Krav Maga.
Course pre requisties
- A good standard of written and spoken english
- A clean driving licence (3 points or less)
- 24 years or older
- Criminal Record/DBS check
Experience within the military or security industry would be an advantage, it is however not a requirement for attendance.
Fitness testing and assessment
Fitness testing is NOT an SIA requirement. However, poor fitness negatively impacts a close protection officers ability to perform their duties under stress. As an effective operative, candidates should be able to pass a basic fitness test to demonstrate their capacity to physically perform under stress.
Course Senior Tutor - Mark Edwards
Course Tutor Mark Edwards talking about training.
Close Quarter Combat Skills Module 40 hrs (Advanced Module)
Most close protection course providers do not possess the skill or expertise to deliver a credible close quarter combat skills element to their course. Coupled with the requirements of extra time and cost, providers simply avoid this area or provide a very basic element of physical skills training. At British Krav Maga we believe this is unacceptable in an industry where the very job title is Close ‘Protection’ Officer. In short, if all else fails a Close Protection Officer should be competent to actually protect their principle.
British Krav Maga has a unique and unparalleled expertise in this area and has delivered training at a national level since 2010 in addition to delivering Military Krav Maga and Civil Krav Maga Instructor certification.
What is included
- Personal Protection Training – including strikes, releases and weapons defences
- Tactical considerations and the use of environment/improvised weapons
- 3rd party protection against a diverse range of armed and unarmed attacks
- Firearms and edged weapons defensive techniques
- Full adrenalised scenarios against padded attackers and live tactical training
- Live firearms training
The British Krav Maga Close Quarter Combat Skills module is highly demanding and is the most credible Defensive Tactics qualification for the Close Protection Industry at over 40 hrs. .
British Krav Maga will provide a Krav Maga Close Quarter Combat Certifiction to those demonstrating competence in this module.
Live Firearms Training (Advanced)
Delivered as part of the Close Quarter Combatives Skills module, British Krav Maga covers Firearms, and hostage scenarios. Training introduces firearms survival, disarming assailants at close quarters and subsequently moves onto a section 5 recognised range where live fire training is conducted by specialist tutor.
Live firearms training is conducted by Brian Smith, a former Royal Marines, Specialist Weapons and Tactics Instructor and current Maritime Security Firearms Instructor.
All live firearms training is conducted in an appropriate facility complying with UK firearms legislation.
Note: This is NOT a Hostile Environment Firearms Course.
Course Tutors
Lead Tutor: Mark Edwards is actively engaged on both Close Protection and Maritime Security. Mark Edwards has provided Close Protection at the very highest levels and is a former Royal Marine Commando Instructor with 23 years service.
Firearms Tutor: Brian Smith is a formal Royal Marine Instructor. Brian was a Specialist Weapons and Tactics Instructor for the Marines and currently teaches Maritime security and skill at arms.
CQB Tutor: Paul Grey is the Head Coach of the British Krav Maga Association. Paul brings decades of practical ‘hands on’ experience and a passion for realism in training
This is not another classroom-based course – candidates will go on live exercise and practice ‘worst case’ scenarios. Training is intense, practical experience making use of scenario driven learning and an extensive Hand-to-Hand Combat Curricula from Krav Maga.
- Introduction to the roles of the close protection operative
- Threat and risk assessment
- Surveillance awareness
- Operational planning
- Law and legislation
- Interpersonal skills
- Close Protection team work
- Reconnaissance
- Close Protection foot techniques
- Route selection
- Topography
- Hand to Hand combat – protecting a 3rd party (Advanced Modules)
- Hand to Hand Combat – Edged weapons (Advanced Modules)
- Hand to Hand Combat – Close quarters firearms threats (Advanced Modules)
- Hand to hand combat – kidnap scenarios (Advanced Modules)
- Hand to hand combat – Releases and breakaways (Advanced Modules)
- Hand to hand combat – Multiple attackers, high density threats (Advanced Modules)
- Adrenalised training drills (Advanced Modules)
- Firearms training and range work (Advanced Modules)
- Use of Close Protection vehicle techniques
- Search awareness
- Incidents and dilemmas
- Venue based security
- Communication and conflict management skills
- Effective negotiation
- Media liaison
- Operational intelligence
- Radio-communication
- Logistics
- Body protection and evacuation under stress
- Defensive Tactics Physical Intervention skills with a with third party defence
- CV writing and Interview practice
- Anti and Counter-surveillance
- Advanced Anti and Counter surveilance Drills – and electronic counter measures (Advanced Modules)
- The Law and use of force
- Negotiation and Verbal Deescalation skills
- Decision making under stress
Course Price
Advanced Close Protection Course – 19 days including Close Quarter Combat and Advanced Counter Surveilance modules £1999
Course Deposit £999.
Balance is payable 14 days prior to the course start date.
Please note: British Krav Maga is not licensed credit brooker and cannot provide credit or loans to applicants.