The British Krav Maga Self Defence Instructor certification is aimed at combat sports practitioners or Martial Arts Instructors who want a credible teaching certification in Self Defence. Whether you want to teach recreationally or professionally, the standards required are universal so we cater for both levels of expectation.
Is the course suitable for beginners:
Credible Instructors cannot be trained overnight or even over 9 days if they have no previous combat sports/martial arts experience. Candidates are required to have a good level of stand up striking skills before starting the course. The ability to throw a jab, cross, hook, straight and round kicks and work the pads reasonably well is an absolute minimum.
We generally recommend 3 years consistent training (3x a week) in boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, MMA or Krav Maga under any credible organisation (FEKM, IKMA, IKMF, KMG).
How much time do I need to take off work
1 Week of annual leave. We squeeze 9 Days into a single annual leave week by utilising both weekends either side of the week.
When can I begin teaching
On successful completion of 9 days.
Is any continued training available
Yes. We strongly recommend instructors continue their training. Self Defence like any martial art is a perishable skill and need to be both improved and retained through regular training.