Self Defence Instructor Course
August 2018

  • Most Comprehensive Self Defence Course in the UK
  • 9 Day Intensive Course
  • Delivered by Highly Experienced Tutors
  • Certified by British Krav Maga
  • Training Manuals included
  • Teaching practice


9 Days
Weston Super Mare
8 Spaces


Course Dates:

Saturday the 28th July – Sunday 5th of August 2018

Region: Southwest – Bristol or Weston Super Mare

Course Places: 8

Closing date for Applications: Sunday 21st of July at 5:00 pm

Application Closing Date:


‘The Course is extremely professional we received outstanding instruction and support throughout. The course is physically demanding and challenging, but incredibly rewarding.

I would, without hesitation, wholly recommend Paul Grey and British Krav Maga for service leavers or those wishing to teach Krav Maga as part of their transition into civilian life.’

‘It’s unlike any other course I have undertaken in the civilian world. It is far more like that experienced in the military and anyone wanting to attend should prepare themselves appropriately.

The form of physical and mental robustness was perhaps more than I expected, but made for a superb end to the course and the feeling of really earning one’s place in the organisation.”

‘Having trained for almost 10 years in martial arts and combat systems and worked within the sports industry I cannot give a higher recommendation for the professionalism of the British Krav Maga Instructor course.’

‘Quality was very high, we dealt with very few scenarios I hadn’t dealt with before, however Pauls knowledge on the simplest and most effective techniques coupled with his specific reasoning for selecting that technique was very impressive.

I would highly recommend BKMA instructor training to aspiring Krav instructor no matter how good or experienced you think you are I can guarantee you will learn something new.

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Intensive Course

Delivered Saturday to Sunday (9-days), requires only 1 week’s annual leave

Proven Programme

Learn to deliver a comercially proven Self Defence programme

Full & comprehensive programme

Broad curricula of self defence Instructor training including weapons, multiple attacjers and scenarios

Self Defence Instructor Course

Krav Maga Instructor Course Reading 2018

This comprehensive Krav Maga Instructor course is designed to equip graduates with the skills, experience and knowledge base to teach Krav Maga to a professional standard.  The Instructor Course is suitable for those with an existing and credible background in striking arts with a minimum of 3 years consistent training experience.

Training is delivered over three, 3 Day Weekends.

Trainees must pass all assessments to certify

Training Objectives

On completion of the course, successful candidates will have demonstrated:

  • Competence as an Advanced practitioner
  • An working understanding of teaching and training methods
  • A working understanding of Human Learning & performance
  • Successfully teach a supervised class of their peers
  • Demonstrate Coaching Model & Coaching Diagnosis
  • Complete final day pressure testing


  • Duration: 9 days
  • Three long weekends
  • School start up programme
  • Lesson plans
  • Entry by Application

Self Defence Instructor Course Southwest Region: August 2018

General FAQ

The British Krav Maga Self Defence Instructor certification is aimed at combat sports practitioners or Martial Arts Instructors who want a credible teaching certification in Self Defence. Whether you want to teach recreationally or professionally, the standards required are universal so we cater for both levels of expectation.

Is the course suitable for beginners:

Credible Instructors cannot be trained overnight or even over 9 days if they have no previous combat sports/martial arts experience. Candidates are required to have a good level of stand up striking skills before starting the course. The ability to throw a jab, cross, hook, straight and round kicks and work the pads reasonably well is an absolute minimum.

We generally recommend  3 years consistent training (3x a week) in boxing, kickboxing, Muay Thai, MMA or Krav Maga under any credible organisation (FEKM, IKMA, IKMF, KMG).

How much time do I need to take off work

1 Week of annual leave.  We squeeze 9 Days into a single annual leave week by utilising both weekends either side of the week.

When can I begin teaching

On successful completion of 9 days.

Is any continued training available

Yes. We strongly recommend instructors continue their training. Self Defence like any martial art is a perishable skill and need to be both improved and retained through regular training.

What level of fitness is required to attend:
The Self Defence Instructor course combines teaching, training and theory blocks over a full day. You need to be fit to train at a consistent level throughout the day. This includes teaching and theory blocks during the day. We dont expect elite athletes, we do need fit active candidates. Trainees then need to be training regularly and at a reasonable level of fitness to participate.

Age and Injury:
A reasonable allowance will be made for age and injury. Candidates will be expected to train at a moderate pace for extended periods with intervals of high-intensity training. Older applicants are most welcome.

Financial Questions

Is finance available

We are regulated by legislation and can only offer finance to those running or intending to run a self-defence business of some sort. We are able to offer finance (Installments) to those opening a licensed British Krav Maga School.

Do you offer a discount

We may offer a discount to serving military/police. Contact us for details.

Are there any ongoing fees

Instructors can choose to go it alone or become licensed Instructors for British Krav Maga. Licensed Instructors pay a small monthly fee, receive business training marketing support, websites, branded marketing materials, payment processes and lead generation from a national network.

British Krav Maga licensees are some of the most successful in the industry due to the level of training and support on offer.

Is this a franchise

No. Instructors can work independently or work with us as licensees. Licensed Self Defence Instructors pay a licence fee for business support and mentoring, use of our name, marketing from our network, automated booking systems and resources.

‘It’s unlike any other course I have undertaken in the civilian world. It is far more like that experienced in the military and anyone wanting to attend should prepare themselves appropriately.

The form of physical and mental robustness was perhaps more than I expected, but made for a superb end to the course and the feeling of really earning one’s place in the organisation.”

‘Training with British Krav Maga was fantastic, life changing even.  I now teach Krav Maga for a living, which means I get to do what I love and I’m my own boss.”

‘Quality was very high, we dealt with very few scenarios I hadn’t dealt with before, however Pauls knowledge on the simplest and most effective techniques coupled with his specific reasoning for selecting that technique was very impressive.

I would highly recommend BKMA instructor training to aspiring Krav instructor no matter how good or experienced you think you are I can guarantee you will learn something new.

Paul’s dedication to delivering high quality training and his commitment to ensuring that everyone must meet the exacting standards set by the BKMA combined to deliver an arduous course which fully tested my physical and mental limits.

The result; an amazing experience, a truly worthwhile qualification and all supported by a great association.

Meet your Coaches

British Krav Maga® Certified Training Programmes

Coach Paul Grey

Paul is the Training Director at British Krav Maga and leads the Instuctor Development Programme. Paul is a multi Blackbelt Instructor with a training history spanning over 4o years. Paul was Israeli trained originally under Eyal Yanilov/Amnon Darsa and went on to found one of the UK’s longest standing Krav Maga Schools Krav Maga Bristol.

Paul has trained and certified more Krav Maga Instructors than anyone in Europe and has assisted the opening of more Krav Maga Schools than any other person in the UK.

Coach Mark Edwards

Mark is a long standing Instructor of British Krav Maga and has a Krav Maga training history going back to 2006.  Mark qualified as an Instructor in 2010 going on to run Close Protection and Military Krav Maga courses for the British Krav Maga.

Mark was a Warrant Officer in the Royal Marines and an Instructor based at the Commando Training Centre. Mark has trained more students to Instructor  level than any other Instructor at British Krav Maga and has a particular skill set for developing promising Kravists.

Self Defence Instructor Course Curricula

British Krav Maga Instructor Course Outline

The British Krav Maga Instructor Self Defence Instructor certification is one of the most detailed and comprehensive Instructor certifications available.

The course Instructor certification combines 3 core elements:

  • Practical skills and technique development as a practitioner
  • Teaching Skill and practice lessons
  • Knowledge base development:  Human stress responce, coaching and teaching principles

All elements are assessed throughout the course.

Phase 1

Module 1 – Foundation

The ‘science of self defence’
Combatives Methodology
Teaching methodology
Close Quarter Combat: stand up – ballistic striking and blocking
Close Quarter Combat: Teaching – use of focus mitts, Thai pads and shields
Close Quarter Combat: skills -pad work drills and skills
Close Quarter Combat: stand up – blocking, movement & defensive skills
Introducing coaching and class room skills theory block
Teaching Block: Drills and Skills
Practical Assessment: of Module 1 Skills

Module 2 – Foundation
Introduction to escapes and releases (self-defence)
Theory Block: Skill acquisition and learning models
Close Quarter Combat: stand up – Escapes and Releases
Close Quarter Combat: stand up – position of disadvantage
Close Quarter Combat: Falling/takedowns
Close Quarter Combat: Fighting from your back
Teaching block: Delivering self-defence elements
Theory Block: The law relating to self-defence
Practical assessment: of Module 2

Module 3 – Intermediate
Coaching and theory block – power generation and the kinetic chain (Slow motion video and coaching)
Coaching Block: Weapons survival – teaching and structure
Close Quarter Combat: stand up – surviving edged weapons
Close Quarter Combat: stand up – surviving impact and stick type weapons
Close Quarter Combat: stand up – use of improvised weapons
Theory Block: Self-first Aid and trauma self-survival
Practical Assessment of Module 3

Module 4 – Intermediate
Fighting from the ground
Theory block – Teaching Ground Survival
Ground positional hierarchy
Ground drills and skills
Practical Assessment teaching and Practice

Module 5 – Advanced

Coaching practice and Theory – Advanced Modules
Biomechanics for combatives sports
Coaching Diagnosis and programming
Edged Weapons Advanced – controls, strips and disarms
Impact Weapons Advanced – Strips and disarms
Short Firearms
Long Firearms
Practical Assessment teaching and practice

Module 6 -Advanced
Theory Block – Introducing Microfighting and sparring
Drills and skills – sparring introduction and practical sessions
Close Quarter Combat: Microfighting
Coaching Block: Teaching sparring and Fighting Drills
Theory Block: Stress and performance coaching
Practical Assessment – Teaching session

Module 7 – Advanced
Lecture Block – Human Adrenal response
Lecture Block – Science stress inoculation and performance choking
Lecture Block – class organisation and teaching adrenalised scenarios
Close Quarter Combat: Adrenalised scenarios
Practical Assessment – teaching and delivering adrenalised scenarios

Final Day: Course teaching and Fighting Assessments
Course assessment and Final Testing Day
Graduation for successful candidates

‘The Course is extremely professional we received outstanding instruction and support throughout. The course is physically demanding and challenging, but incredibly rewarding.

I would, without hesitation, wholly recommend Paul Grey and British Krav Maga for service leavers or those wishing to teach Krav Maga as part of their transition into civilian life.’

‘It’s unlike any other course I have undertaken in the civilian world. It is far more like that experienced in the military and anyone wanting to attend should prepare themselves appropriately.

The form of physical and mental robustness was perhaps more than I expected, but made for a superb end to the course and the feeling of really earning one’s place in the organisation.”

‘Having trained for almost 10 years in martial arts and combat systems and worked within the sports industry I cannot give a higher recommendation for the professionalism of the British Krav Maga Instructor course.’

‘Quality was very high, we dealt with very few scenarios I hadn’t dealt with before, however Pauls knowledge on the simplest and most effective techniques coupled with his specific reasoning for selecting that technique was very impressive.

I would highly recommend BKMA instructor training to aspiring Krav instructor no matter how good or experienced you think you are I can guarantee you will learn something new.