militarykravmagaheaderClose Quarter Combat Course for Close Protection Officers £599

An SIA Licence is required to attend this course

Close Quarter Combat training is commonly missed out or glossed over on Close protection courses. The requirement for both time and credible, specialist instructors means Close Quarter Combat training is either provided by a martial arts instructor or missed out altogether.

We believe it is unacceptable that a credible Close Protection Officer is not provided with  professional, task appropriate, physical skills to protect themselves or the principle in the event of worst case scenarios.

Course Overview:

british krav maga: Close-quater-combat-training-bkma 30 hours intensive training in Israeli Krav Maga for close protection officers. Aimed at the needs of the operational Close Protection Officer working in nonpermissive environments in an unarmed role, this practical course will equip Officers with a range of physical skills to manage the following scenarios

Please note: A separate course is available for armed, hostile environment Close Protection Officers.

R.O.E training

A clear model or Rules of Engagement is provided to speed the decision-making model within an appropriate legal framework.

Low Risk: low level threats to principle with discrete, minimal force interventions

Medium Risk: Grabs, holds  low to moderate level potential threats with discrete interventions

Medium Risk: Direct unarmed threat to principle or officer. Overt physical interventions and disengagement drills within appropriate legal frame work.

High Risk: Direct threat, armed assailant

High Risk: Hostage scenario – First person on scene

Course Requirements

British Krav Maga close quarter combat for close protection officersCandidates will be working in a close protection role, or have completed an SIA approved Close Protection Course.

Candidates will have an SIA Licence

Candidates are required to be fit & healthy.

Please note – this course is highly physical with candidates training and running through scenarios over 8 hours each day.